Sustainable e-Fulfilment
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The road to a sustainable world is not easy to travel and certainly not accomplished in one, two three. Within Webship we try to contribute where we can, sometimes very small steps, sometimes bigger ones. We try to do business sustainably with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted in 2015 as our guide.
We specifically chose five SDGs to focus on within the framework of our e–Fulfilment services:
No poverty
1.7 billion people worldwide are living below the poverty line, which is one fifth of the world‘s population. In Belgium, two million people are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. We try to contribute both globally and regionally by:
- Supporting the NGO ‘Trees for future’
- Tackling worldwide hunger
- Providing stable income to farming families in developing countries
- Correct remuneration for our employees
- Remuneration above the legal minimum
- Bonus payment to everyone based on company results
Gender equality
The difference between men and women is unfortunately still very large in many areas. There are daily cases of discrimination and violence against women and girls, both in the public and private spheres. Within Webship we do not tolerate any form of discrimination, both within our company and outside. Concretely, we try to contribute by:
- Equal treatment for men and women
- On the workplace
- In terms of remuneration
- Focus on personal qualities
Decent work & economic growth
Labor rights are violated daily worldwide. Think of child labor or unhealthy and unsafe working conditions in many developing countries. But decent work is not always at the top of the agenda in the “developed“ world either. Within Webship, we try to achieve more economic growth with the same (or even less) labor per head and with a social support. We do this by:
- IT innovations
- Ergonomic design of workplaces
- Automation wherever possible
- Open recruitment policy (opportunity for seniors, long–term unemployed, uneducated young people, etc.)
Responsible consumption & production
From a throwaway society to a circular economy, that is the way we all have to go to reduce the burden on our Mother Earth. That the road is still long, we don‘t have to repeat that, but we like to emphasize that we can all contribute. An important aspect (within e–commerce) is to reduce waste production through prevention, recycling and reuse. Within Webship we take the following measures:
- Perfectly separated waste streams throughout all processes
- Recycling of old paper and cardboard (destined for reuse)
- Reuse of cardboard boxes and filling where possible
- No unnecessary use of shipping boxes and / or filling
Life on land
We must better protect life on the land. Sustainable forest management, combating desertification, stopping land degradation (e.g. cutting down forests for plantations) and preserving / encouraging biodiversity are key tasks.
Together with the NGO ‘Trees for the future’ we not only change people‘s lives (see point one on this list) but also reforest, upgrade degraded land and give a boost to biodiversity.
Within Webship we have launched the ‘One Order, One Tree’ campaign to support this NGO as best we can together with our customers. The basic idea: one tree planted per order!